Obtain global stock index and crude oil on exclusive trading terms.

What's stock index?

Stock index is a group of stocks that can be bought or sold as a single trading tool. Now, some traders speculate on how the price of individual assets will change, and some choose to speculate on the stock index. As a whole, the stock index can be used to represent the health of an industry or even a country.

However, it is more complicated to classify stock indexes. Some indices, such as DAX 30, are a group of the 30 best performing companies in Germany. It is listed as the “national stock index”, indicating the health of the German stock market.

However, the stock index does not only include stocks combined by geographical location. Some stock indexes represent and track the performance of certain sectors of the market. For example, the Nasdaq 100 index tracks the performance of all companies listed on the NASDAQ Exchange. Usually technology related companies, so NASDAQ shows the health of the U.S. technology industry!

Why TRADE stock index and crude oil with Tradeland ?

Our aim is to help our traders succeed by providing an exceptional trading experience.

Low rise point difference

Get more than 14 indexes

The average operating speed is 0.20 seconds

All trading strategies available

The highest leverage is 1:500

How to Trade stock index and crude oil?

As the stock index is composed of companies, there are many factors that affect the price of the index. In short, if the value of the stocks that make up the index rises, then the price of the index will rise, and vice versa.

Traders who use stock index to predict can decide whether the value of an index increases or decreases according to market sentiment.

The price of an index may move more smoothly than other financial instruments, because a stock cannot bring about a huge price surge. However, there are also significant fluctuations in stock indices as they reflect a wide range of political and economic changes.


AUS200 Mon-Fri: 00:50-07:30 / 08:10-23:00
DE30 Mon: 01:05-02:00 / 02:15-23:15 / 23:30-24:00
Tue-Thu: 01:02-02:00 / 02:15-23:15 / 23:30-24:00
-Fri: 01:02-02:00 / 02:15-23:00
US30 Mon-Thu:01:00-23:15 / 23:30-24:00
Fri:01:00-23:15 / 23:30-23:58
STOXX50 Mon: 01:05-02:00 / 02:15-23:15 / 23:30-24:00
Tue-Thu: 01:00-02:00 / 02:15-23:15 / 23:30-24:00
-Fri: 01:00-02:00 / 02:15-23:00
FRANCE40 Mon-Fri:09:00-23:00
AFRICA40 Mon-Fri: 08:30-17:30
ITALY40 Mon-Fri: 09:00-23:00
UK100 Mon: 01:05-23:15 / 23:30-24:00
Tue-Thu: 01:00-23:15 / 23:30-24:00
Fri: 01:00-23:00
HK50 Mon-Fri: 03:15-06:00 / 07:00-10:30 / 11:15-19:00
SPAIN35 Mon-Fri:09:00-21:00
USTEC Mon-Thu: 01:00-23:15 / 23:30-24:00
-Fri:01:00-23:15 / 23:30-23:58
JP225 Mon-Thu: 02:30-09:25 / 09:55-23:15 / 23:30-24:00
-Fri: 02:30-09:25 / 09:55-23:15 / 23:30-23:58
US500 Mon-Thu: 01:00-23:15 / 23:30-24:00
-Fri:01:00-23:15 / 23:30-23:58
SWISS20 Mon-Fri: 09:00-23:00
WTI Mon-Thu: 01:00-24:00
BRENT Mon-Thu: 03:00-23:59
XTIUSD Mon-Thu: 01:00-23:59
Fri: 01:00-23:55

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