Why choose our ECN account?

Trade CFDs on 62 currency pairs, major stock indices, oil, precious metals and bonds on your ECN account with spreads starting from 0.0 pips.

You will pay commission of only 1 currency unit per side per lot (0.0010% notional) on your ECN account in the base currency of the trading instrument. Our standard commission is one of the lowest in the world.

Example: If you trade 1 lot of EURUSD, which has a contract size of 100,000 EUR, then your commission per side would be 1 EUR and 2 EUR round turn.

Though many brokers do not allow placing stop and limit orders close to market prices, we allow you to do just that. So, stop and limit levels for ECN account users are zero.

*No commissions on CFDs on Stock Indices, Oil and Bonds.

The most popular variety in the market


Trade 62 currency pairs, including majors, minors and exotics, with ultra-low spreads and fast execution.


Get access to major international stock indices and Oil with no commissions, no requotes and no hidden mark-ups.


Speculate on the price movements of Gold and Silver against the US dollar and diversify your trading portfolio.


Take advantage of the inverse relationship between interest rates and bond prices and leverage the stability of government treasuries.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)