Multi Account Manager

What is a Multi Account Manager?

A Multi Account Manager is quite simply software that integrates into your MT4 that allows money managers to place orders in bulk, in an unlimited number of accounts. The process is fast, efficient and can be executed from one trading terminal.

Who can use the MAM? Well, Professional Traders and Investment Firms that have the authority to manage funds on behalf of their clients can use the tradeland Multi Account Manager.


Using the numerous marketing materials provided, start attracting traders.


Refer traders to Tradeland with your unique tracking number.


Watch as your account is credited in real-time on a trade by trade basis.


Automatically track your referred clients in the secure
IB Portal.

Benefits and Features of the Multi Account Manager

Get paid $10 per lot on a Classic account and $2 per lot on Pro and VIP accounts.

Every FX and Metals trade generated by your referral will earn you commission.

Recommend your clients to open a Pro account and they will get a 5% discount on the commission.

Access our intuitive IB room with advanced fund and account management tools.

Utilise the huge range of ready-made advertising material to effectively attract new clients.

Work with a broker that offers ultimate transparency!

Please send email to SUPPORT@TRADELAND.ASIA

Step flow

How can you start?

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)